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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • BETTY He keeps breaking my heart. How long will I keep expecting his behavior to change!!?? 9 years ago   *   5 replies
    • TDOG when yours changes!!! CMON BETTY. you cannot change people. you can ONLY change yourself. watch, you change, you take care of yourself, focus on your own spirit, health, education, career, family, friends etc and he wont know what to do with himself. 9 years ago
    • BELLA J. Betty, I agree with TDOG. It may sound harsh, but it's the truth. People will only do what you allow them to do to you. Never let anyone have so much control over your emotions that you can't move on with your life. Happiness ALWAYS begins with you one else. Focus on yourself, and before you know it, you will not be emotionally dependent on him. It will get better! 9 years ago
    • brooklynblue Short answer: never. 9 years ago
      • dynamic lol. While it may not be a laughing matter, it's still funny. I guess it's hard for me to relate to people who in my eyes don't have a more serious issues that relationships paralyze their life like they didn't exist before this person came into their life. Yea it was 20+ years ago, but you got into a relationship and followed a path you believed at the time to be right. Well, it was wrong on some levels. Accept and move on. Splitsville is full of people who belong in RA (relationships anonymous. Just like AA, the first step to getting over addiction is to admit you have an issue. I'm not belittling anyone's problems because a problem is a problem (like having too much money or too many women. They're problems people would rather have than their opposites). Note I said more serious as it life threatening, life altering like being homeless, not knowing were your next meal is coming from, etc. But I digress. This is Splitsville and that's why people are here. With that said, just like AA, others have gone through it before you and they're still here (and literally on this site) to let you know that. It's gonna be ok in the end it just never feels like that in the moment. So you get out of bed like most leg at a time (assuming you have legs) :P 9 years ago
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