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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • FIONA Hi I am new to this after my husband said three weeks ago that he no longer wanted to be with me and didn't love me like he should. Refuses to say if he is with someone else. I am distraught and so are the kids and I cannot pull myself together at all. There is nothing left, all our hopes and dreams are shattered. Sorry to sound so pathetic 9 years ago   *   5 replies
    • TIMBUKTU YOUR hopes and dreams don't need to be shattered. In fact, it's really important right now to delineate what you want from what HE wants. 9 years ago
      • Kate100 Couldn't agree more with Timbuktu. You are worthy of being loved and being cared for and to be with someone who makes you feel valued. You are NOT pathetic and don't let yourself believe that for a second. The loss of a dream is HARD. But you will come out on the other side! 9 years ago
        • TIMBUKTU seriously. i know this is a punch in the stomach and i know it's so hard to value your sled when someone else doesnt and rejection is a BITCH... BUT..... your hopes and dreams are yours. 9 years ago
    • BELLA J. You WILL get through this ordeal. My now "ex-husband" served me with divorce papers back in April...without ever giving me notice that it was something that he was going to do. 21 years of marriage gone down the drain. My kids are a bit older (20 & 16) and have adjusted well. I took it pretty hard. However, it made me angry and I went and found a great attorney that helped me get what was needed to rebuild my life for myself and our youngest son. As of July, I was officially divorced. Even though I'm starting over, I am a much happier person. I'm discovering things about myself and life in general. It's a scary process in the beginning, but it's not the end of your world. Happiness starts with you. You can't force anyone to be with you if their heart is no longer in the relationship. If he wants to walk out the door, let him, it only leaves the door open for something better to come through. 9 years ago
    • ZAGABRO Sorry you're in pain 9 years ago
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