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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • want2bhappy I quit Facebook the day I told him I was filing for divorce. (I read it was the best idea.) I haven't heard from anyone. All the people I thought were my friends, gone. They have my number. It makes me wonder what he is telling them. (My mantra has been-I can't control what other people say or what they do.) But...really?? I've helped move my girlfriends multiple times. Not even a text to say they are busy. Crickets... I want to go on and post.."There are two sides to every story. But I don't want anyone to think less of him for the truth of how he treated me for years." I've been keeping so busy that it hadn't really sunk in, but occasionaly it envelopes me. I didn't expect this part. Anyone else have friends go into virtual hiding? 9 years ago   *   6 replies
    • chloe I'm sorry! That sounds really painful. Have you tried reaching out to friends one on one? I think keeping stuff off social media sounds wise and mature, but that's no reason you shouldn't have contact with your friends. Phone calls? Texting? Meeting for coffee? 9 years ago
      • want2bhappy I'm feeling a bit gun shy, because the couple I did reach out to...I haven't heard from since. Two of my work friends looked at me like I told them I liked to kick puppies when I told them the news. After some tense seconds, I cracked some jokes and we carried on with our lunch. But, I haven't heard from them since. It's frustrating... I've been tempted all day to log on to FB, just to see what is being said...but then what? Ugh. Just got to stay focus on my big goals and stay busy. Thank you! :) 9 years ago
        • chloe Do you have any good friends who weren't "couple friends"? Quality over quantity!! I feel like if you have just a couple trusted people who get it and will be supportive, you're good. And if you don't, maybe this is a chance to meet some. I went through years of agonizing infertility, and the only way I survived that was to join a support group and meet other people going through the same thing. That literally saved me, and a few of those people became lifelong friends. Maybe look for a Meetup group for those going through a divorce? But isn't it weird? People talk about divorce being so common, but at least in my social circle, it's not at all. That's one of the things that has made it harder for me to take the step. People's reactions ultimately say a lot about them and their own fears, not about you. But it's hard to get into that mental space when you're experiencing what feels like rejection. Just know that there are lots of others out there who do get it and who send you our virtual support!! 9 years ago
          • want2bhappy Chloe, I have a couple friends that have remained separate from the "couple". The rest are not. I've joined some club things to help with what little free time I have. What little divorece we had in our group, was always...that slut or that bitch did _____. I realize that things are what they are. And if at a later time they come around, I'll be kind to them, just won't forget. My counselor has been a help as well. 9 years ago
    • TIMBUKTU You have to ask for help. You can't wait for people to call you like a victim. You aren't ill. 9 years ago
      • want2bhappy I'm not sure how to take this Timbuktu. But the awesome thing is, is I haven't needed help. Just thought I had friends that I now don't. 9 years ago
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