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  • Ms. Medusa I'm giving up on dating. Affection, sex, pleasure, love; these things are for other people. 7 years ago   *   3 replies
    • RK_IN_NORCAL I hear ya! As a woman, it seems that getting sex is the easy part. But the affection and the love? I don't know if I'll ever have that again. Hookup culture seems to be the norm. 7 years ago
      • Ms. Medusa Getting sex is the easy part? Lucky you! I am a woman. It's been two years and zero prospects on any front. It's like I'm a unicorn; the only woman in America who couldn't get laid if she tried. 7 years ago
    • ALICENARAA Oh, sad to hear that. The life is still hopeful, especially the sex life. Recommend you can find out some apps to chat online firstly. Some popular apps (Tinder, Bang, Pure and Down, etc.) are so fashionable online and offline. If you do not how to choose, you can read the editor reviews and compare with each at 6 years ago
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