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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • Fellforasociopath So here is my story...I just turned 40 and I've been married for almost 8 years, together for 10. Unfortunately I fell for a man who is a liar, a cheat, and a sociopath. He hid it well for a couple of years but now his behavior and actions are unbearable. Thought the repeated infidelity was bad but the crazy outbursts of anger frighten me to my core. He's not physically abusive but his emotional abuse is worse. If I ever show any emotion that is "negative" or point out that we could be happier he blows up and immediately starts the blame game, all of which is mine. I'm very thankful we don't have kids as children do not deserve to be in this environment. With most sociopaths, the lack of empathy and compassion is almost non-existent. He has made himself the breadwinner as controls th e majority of our assets which makes me ending our marriage more difficult. I have my own bank account (I was not giving that up) and I'm self employed and wouldn't have a super difficult time making it on my own. Has anyone had any experience being married to someone who's so unbalanced and if so any advice would be most appreciated as like most people in this situation, I feel terribly alone and scared. 5 years ago   *   1 replies
    • Whatsgoinonmarvin I have some experience with a fairly controlling husband. Emotional abuse has been an issue in the past. It seems to be only a few times a year so I wrote it off as part of the "for better or for worse." We have been married 15 years and now we mutually agree to divorce. We are just starting to work through it. I am scared to be alone but also know I am not being respected. He is secretive, stays out all night - cheating kind of behavior though he says he isn't. I understand alone and scared. Friends, family...they really can't help you get out of a bad relationship. It falls on you to make that decision. But you are not alone. I am not a health nut at all, but I started lifting weights and that gave me strength. Maybe you can find some kind of "anchor" to help you. My friend's mantra is the bible verse "hope is the anchor of the soul." I had given up hope and was feeling empty for my life. As stressful as this process has been and will be, I will come out of it with hope. Find a way to feel stronger and imagine what a better life could be like. How it would feel to go to sleep at night and not worry about someone disrespecting you by not calling and saying when they will be home, or coming home and shouting in a drunken rage. Write your dreams down, how a hopeful life would look, and believe in the beauty of your dreams. 5 years ago
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