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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • Kpruitt1014 I am now dating my high school sweetheart after divorcing my narcissistic and abusive ex-husband of 5 years. I am 23, have one child, and I know that I should feel like I have my whole life ahead of me, including my "dating" life. My current boyfriend is as he always has been, a stern faced, charismatic and humorous man. And I think what I love about him most is that his personality has never changed through all the years. He was also married for 4 years, and just recently divorced as well. I have always had feelings for him, even after high school. He is very respectful, caring, and never does a thing to me that could be considered malevolent or hurtful. The only problem I am having is how emotionally unavailable he is. He has always been this way but I feel that his divorce has made him re-inforce the wall he's put between himself and others (and I don't blame him!) There are times when he says things so sweet that it almost knocks the wind right out of me, but these are few and far between. They are not done in any specific pattern so I know it isn't something he uses when he "wants something." He really is a great guy, all around. Just a little less emotional than I'd like. So why am I focusing on this ONE thing so much? I can't say that in my first marriage I was always in the right, I tore apart his whole personality and soul in my mind, finding all the reasons I could for why I despised him when really, the abuse should have been enough. I feel as though I am going to re-create my marriage all over again, at least my side of it. I feel like I am stuck between knowing what I want and settling for nothing less and accepting that no one will ever truly be "perfect" for me. Is there something wrong with me? 6 years ago   *   1 replies
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