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  • anonymous1 Does the fact that I have 3 kids ages 9,5,3 make me less attractive to men in general? This is assuming they liked me outside of my "mom" status? 10 years ago   *   9 replies
    • erinnn Depends on the guy. Some guys are super into "taking care of" a brood. Are you self-supporting? Big part of the equation, 10 years ago
    • alphabeta As a mother of 2, I will say that I think I am a pretty good catch and proud of my mom status. It actually frees me up to just date and not worry about "the future". SPLITSVILLE dating post-kids is kinda liberating and so fun. All the pressure of "does this guy love me enough to marry me and have kids with me " is gone and it's amazing. 10 years ago
    • Alaric I'm a man and reject the premise of your question. Spend time thinking about how f'in awesome you are and then look for a man who thinks the same. 10 years ago
      • strugglecity So true! It's not about the kids. It's about you. The kids can affect how he sees you if he sees you as a good or bad mother, but once he's hooked, he's hooked either way. The trick is to see how well he gets along with your kids. 10 years ago
      • metoday2015 thumbs up!!! "Spend time thinking about how f'in awesome you are and then look for a man who thinks the same." You'll do well to follow this advice! 9 years ago
      • Moving_On Awesome answer. I wish all men and women thought like this 9 years ago
    • Downtherabbithole Some men will, fuck them. They are not worth your time. I wonder are you married and asking bc you just want to know or are you a single mom? 10 years ago
    • dynamic If you're hot, your hot. My friend is pregnant with her first and want her more than before. Motherhood is the pinnacle of womanhood. Embrace it! 10 years ago
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