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  • Boogie I'm about 60 days from being single again. This is a weird question, but how do single people with CPAP machines handle "romantic" situations? I'm not very fat, but I snore like crazy. I don't want to run someone off over either snoring or my sexy Darth Vader sleeping habits. I guess it's something mature people discuss and understand? 9 years ago   *   6 replies
    • splitter I do believe when someone really loves you they are able to overlook all your little idiosyncrasies. That said/ maybe try actual dating and wait to jump in bed with someone until you really know if you really interested 9 years ago
    • exhusband might be a crazy idea but if you were building your dating profile online, why not say something like "master snorer" which is both true and funny and may very well attract someone who had a sense of humor and can deal, or a person who can relate one way or the other. ok, its a crazy idea but thats what i would do... 9 years ago
      • dadofthree i agree with exhusband. don't take yourself so seriously and the other thing is, aren't you putting the cart before the horse? sounds like you've got the condom on already and you don't have a date. 9 years ago
        • Boogie Ha! I've been so unsexed by my soon-to-be-ex for so long it's ridiculous. I don't think getting some will be that hard when I'm single. It's just something I wonder about. Having that stupid CPAP makes you very self-conscious. It's really ugly. And going through what I'm going through doesn't help your self esteem. 9 years ago
        • Boogie Oh, I had a date (she asked me out), and I had to excuse myself before it went too far. I think I'm over-thinking things. 9 years ago
    • sara The CPAP means that you care about your potential partner and that you are working for a better life. My ex refused to get one and the last few years of our marriage we had to sleep in separate rooms. I love them, personally, like a white noise machine. Whoever you meet and grow with will be glad you are doing this. 9 years ago
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