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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • melisam_1973 I've seen this divorce coming for years. I live in Chicago and don't make enough to live on my own so my only choose at this time is return to my small town to stay with family. Maybe this is a good thing? To be someone different to clear my head? 10 years ago   *   9 replies
    • Danni girl I would love to have some place to go and clear my head! I say go for it!!! 10 years ago
    • AMpr411 Hi MelisaM_1973 I believe its better to go back, to have the impulse to look forward, sometimes living in a castle but miserable its worthless... If your family supports you in the small town and you will have enough to survive, I would say go for it too!.. :) 10 years ago
      • melisam_1973 My parents have expressed to me that they would love for me to come back home. I just feel like a big fat failure. 10 years ago
    • Happyhesgone Hi Melisam. I'm a little confused where you are with your divorce. Are you saying moving back home to figure this all out, or move back home after the divorce is final? Moving back with your family might not be your only choice. Have you considered staying in Chicago and getting a roommate for a little bit, at least until you have enough to live on your own? Sometimes when you move back home after a divorce, your parents tend to treat you as "their little girl" again...which is exactly what you don't want, because you're an adult. It's nice to be taken care of for a week, but after that, the novelty wears off and their behavior can be really irritating. And if you haven't divorced yet, parents are the first ones to tell you how you 'should' handle something--which may not be how you want to handle it at all! Might be nice to just go visit for a week with them if you can, and see how they treat you in that short time. 10 years ago
      • Happyhesgone Sorry...don't know where that link came from! 10 years ago
        • splitter it's doing a weird hyper-link thing... anyway, sometimes hanging with our own parents to like going back to the scene of the crime. unless you cab really just hide under the duvet and your mom will bring you soup. 10 years ago
    • dswishe Melisam - I moved back home for a few months while my divorce was being finalized, and it was the right choice for me. I'm an artist, so I was in a similar financial boat to you, and being able to NOT focus on that aspect and just focus on who I am and what I want was very comforting and helpful. 10 years ago
    • JENnI I think your fam is going to be your best support at this time (other than God, of course). If you have family that you're close to and will help you out, I'd say you're truly blessed! 10 years ago
    • dynamic You have (or had seeing the age of this post) more than 2 choices. You can always get a roommate and move out. Chicago is awesome (cuz I live here too)! Why let someone else control your happiness or choices. I'd rather go homeless than stay in a bad situation...actually, that's exactly what I did! Greatest choice I've ever made, hands down. If you have friends, then you'll never truly be homeless. Even then, you could move in with someone else who already has a place. You're only limited by your imagination. You only live once. What's a little homeless adventure in one of the greatest cities in the world?! 10 years ago
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