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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • Emd277 New here, I have an odd situation. I married a man 5 years ago who is 14 years older than me. Fast forward 3 months, I bail - we divorce. Fast forward 6 more months- we get back together. We now have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter. He has a 23 year old daughter from previous marriage and I have a 6 year old son from a previous relationship. Here's the issue: we cannot get along. At all. He has hobbies and interests that do not include me. I have a new job and what seems like all the responsibilities of taking care of the family. We barley have sex, no intimate connection anymore, and I feel so alone all the time. I've tried to express my feelings, make a point that I need more attention but no such luck. We end up fighting, I threaten to move out and he thinks I complain too much .. he is a great dad, a provider, and overall a good guy. He says he loves me but I just don't feel it anymore. Do I throw in the towel once and for all, or feel unconnected and keep doing my house work alone ? 6 years ago   *   2 replies
    • Jame It sounds like you are at a breaking point. I've found it's helpful to be specific in conversations such as these. When you say, "I feel lonely," or "We never spend time together," then he likely just hears complaints. Have you tried saying, "I want us to have a weekly date night," or "Can you do x, y, and z things around the house each week?" If you have tried this strategy and been ignored, it could be he is happy with the way things are and will ignore your unhappiness because he assumes you'll stay. 6 years ago
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