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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • Boogie She comes back over, we talk, she's really sad, misses our dogs and cats (children), and it hurts when she leaves. Still feels like a stupid mistake that we're getting divorced. 9 years ago   *   5 replies
    • 12345 hey @BOOGIE. can you set it up so you are taking a break and doing some work on your selves while you are apart? 9 years ago
    • BETTY It probably is then! Fight for it!! Do something dramatic to show her. 9 years ago
      • Splitsies That's what I was thinking. Make a move! Get humble and real with her! 9 years ago
      • Boogie I've been working on myself for almost a year, she doesn't think she has a problem. I've invited her in non-threatening ways to work on us so many times, and been told I was in denial about us getting divorced. We went to three different therapists and all she did was explain why we should get divorced. I feel like I'm the one that's been dumped, but I actually filed after being repeatedly told we were getting a divorce. She's probably just 'inconvenienced' by all the change, since SHE moved out. She thinks she's going to be happier without me. She's probably right. 9 years ago
        • dynamic It sucks, yes. Move on. She is right, not probably right because she said it. Denial is a common side effect so admit to it and find someone that YOU will make happy as will as them making you happy. 'Tis life. The faster you accept things for what they are, the better life gets. This does not mean to be apathetic but accepting. 9 years ago
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