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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • Ronald So last night I'm out, saw my X with another woman, funny thing I use to bang that other woman. Should I tell my X? 10 years ago   *   7 replies
    • Mr. Mag 357 You could always beat the ladies at their own game...set up a cordial mutual outing or something where you all present...and make them tell on THEMSELVES...much sweeter results...or you can send the main ex a random non-threatening pic of you enjoying yourself..and let them get to talking on the subject haha 10 years ago
      • Mr. Mag 357 I don't know what that says...but I meant place yourself in position where they have to bring you up in conversation...let the blood boil 10 years ago
    • Unsure Why not.....unless you're worried they might trade notes (good or bad) 10 years ago
    • Stacy What's the point? Why would you feel the need to do that, unless you were trying to hurt your ex? 10 years ago
      • Julie Anne I agree (are you a grown man, or a teenager)? Just seams like an unneeded slap in the face. 10 years ago
    • TDOG "bang?" 10 years ago
    • BeautyQueen Not a good idea. Mind your own business and keep it moving! 10 years ago
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