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Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce. - P. J. O'Rourke

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  • 12345 what the most important question you can ask a prospective lawyer? 10 years ago   *   9 replies
    • TDOG hourly rate? 10 years ago
    • anon13 Who are a couple references I can have, from clients? 10 years ago
    • Unsure Experience and education 10 years ago
    • Tiffany How have the cases resolved for the most part? What are the priorities that are focused on? These issues and references would be most helpful. 10 years ago
      • brooklynblue i also think.... how many times have you been to court/in litigation? alot of these guys haven't even done a trial. 10 years ago
    • Anonymous If they represented wife or husband and which were wins/losses. Also length of time for case. Good luck! 10 years ago
    • dynamic As a legal consultant, there is no most important questions. It all depends an your situation. The most important thing you can do is establish a proper relationship with him or her. Proper relationship means understanding who works for who. YOU are the client. Look up the definition, it explains it all. When the attorney understands and respects your position, you can get your money's worth as they won't be lazy and give you excuse. Good attorneys simply do their job and they are few and far between, unless they're high paid i.e. mob attorneys. 10 years ago
    • TRAVELINGKNIFE "When I e-mail you, how long will it typically take for you to reply" This is important. There's nothing worse than waiting for your attorney to respond to an e-mail. 9 years ago
    • Boogie I think after spending some time explaining what you want (collaborative, fight it out, what's best for the kids) then you can simply ask them if they're willing to work in that space. You should probably locate your attorney via recommendations based on what you want. All attorneys will say they can do anything. My wife's attorney said how he can do collaborative, but he's also being a total ass, trying to stir things up and create more billable time. 9 years ago
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